Are the posted questions getting worse?

  • Sean Lange (4/7/2014)

    Greg Edwards-268690 (4/7/2014)

    Sean -

    Is the grass green?

    I still see white and brown around here. 🙂

    Sad about the refs - kids need to learn the rules right.

    And a ref repeating a wrong call is sending the wrong message.

    Hopefully coaches on both sides are letting the kids know what should have happened.

    At least it sounds like no Soccer Mom riot ensued.

    The grass is starting to turn around here. Have even seen a few early spring flowers. The temps are still pretty low but it does appear that warmer weather is emerging soon.

    Definitely no soccer mom riots. At this young age the moms are actually more clueless about the game than the refs. At least until after practice this week. I am planning on my usual parents practice this week. With the young teams I always have one practice where I make all the parents come out on the field. Then I teach the parents how to properly kick the ball, I take them over to the sideline to explain out of bounds, and I use all of them as "players" to teach them offside. Of course at this level they don't call offside but I tell the parents that if they are going to be parents and fans of soccer then learning the rules starts with them. 😛

    We have the same thing with grass around here - nothing but brown.

    I've encountered the same thing in school sports - the refs have a lot of inconsistency in how they call things. While I think the real rules should be used, I can appreciate young children having a relaxed set of rules. I don't like it, but I can understand it. What I cannot understand is the inconsistency in the calls.

  • Ed Wagner (4/7/2014)

    Sean Lange (4/7/2014)

    Greg Edwards-268690 (4/7/2014)

    Sean -

    Is the grass green?

    I still see white and brown around here. 🙂

    Sad about the refs - kids need to learn the rules right.

    And a ref repeating a wrong call is sending the wrong message.

    Hopefully coaches on both sides are letting the kids know what should have happened.

    At least it sounds like no Soccer Mom riot ensued.

    The grass is starting to turn around here. Have even seen a few early spring flowers. The temps are still pretty low but it does appear that warmer weather is emerging soon.

    Definitely no soccer mom riots. At this young age the moms are actually more clueless about the game than the refs. At least until after practice this week. I am planning on my usual parents practice this week. With the young teams I always have one practice where I make all the parents come out on the field. Then I teach the parents how to properly kick the ball, I take them over to the sideline to explain out of bounds, and I use all of them as "players" to teach them offside. Of course at this level they don't call offside but I tell the parents that if they are going to be parents and fans of soccer then learning the rules starts with them. 😛

    We have the same thing with grass around here - nothing but brown.

    I've encountered the same thing in school sports - the refs have a lot of inconsistency in how they call things. While I think the real rules should be used, I can appreciate young children having a relaxed set of rules. I don't like it, but I can understand it. What I cannot understand is the inconsistency in the calls.

    Absolutely the rules should be relaxed for small children. I even convinced the ref to give my team a free kick outside the box instead of a penalty because the field is too small for a penalty (the spot is about 2 1/2 feet from the goal line). I just don't like things like blowing the whistle and then calling for an infraction because the ref incorrectly blew the whistle. Even if the call is incorrect they need to stick with the call. Especially with the little ones, when I don't agree with a call I tell the ref I don't think it is correct but they are the ref and have the final say. I have been known (this week included) to have a private discussion with the ref at half time about them needing to be the leader on the field and have some confidence in their decisions. I may not agree with their call but I will support it. Teaching the little players respect and not challenging the ref is also part of my job as a coach.


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    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns -
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • Sean Lange (4/7/2014)

    Ed Wagner (4/7/2014)

    Sean Lange (4/7/2014)

    Greg Edwards-268690 (4/7/2014)

    Sean -

    Is the grass green?

    I still see white and brown around here. 🙂

    Sad about the refs - kids need to learn the rules right.

    And a ref repeating a wrong call is sending the wrong message.

    Hopefully coaches on both sides are letting the kids know what should have happened.

    At least it sounds like no Soccer Mom riot ensued.

    The grass is starting to turn around here. Have even seen a few early spring flowers. The temps are still pretty low but it does appear that warmer weather is emerging soon.

    Definitely no soccer mom riots. At this young age the moms are actually more clueless about the game than the refs. At least until after practice this week. I am planning on my usual parents practice this week. With the young teams I always have one practice where I make all the parents come out on the field. Then I teach the parents how to properly kick the ball, I take them over to the sideline to explain out of bounds, and I use all of them as "players" to teach them offside. Of course at this level they don't call offside but I tell the parents that if they are going to be parents and fans of soccer then learning the rules starts with them. 😛

    We have the same thing with grass around here - nothing but brown.

    I've encountered the same thing in school sports - the refs have a lot of inconsistency in how they call things. While I think the real rules should be used, I can appreciate young children having a relaxed set of rules. I don't like it, but I can understand it. What I cannot understand is the inconsistency in the calls.

    Absolutely the rules should be relaxed for small children. I even convinced the ref to give my team a free kick outside the box instead of a penalty because the field is too small for a penalty (the spot is about 2 1/2 feet from the goal line). I just don't like things like blowing the whistle and then calling for an infraction because the ref incorrectly blew the whistle. Even if the call is incorrect they need to stick with the call. Especially with the little ones, when I don't agree with a call I tell the ref I don't think it is correct but they are the ref and have the final say. I have been known (this week included) to have a private discussion with the ref at half time about them needing to be the leader on the field and have some confidence in their decisions. I may not agree with their call but I will support it. Teaching the little players respect and not challenging the ref is also part of my job as a coach.

    That's a great attitude.

    Soccer is known for having bad calls by refs (even on world cups) and the FIFA won't accept challenges or aids from technology. That's why it's very important to learn that even if there's a bad call by the ref, it can't be changed. It's discipline and respect that will anyone on every aspect in their lives.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Sean Lange (4/7/2014)

    I may not agree with their call but I will support it. Teaching the little players respect and not challenging the ref is also part of my job as a coach.

    It's so nice to hear a coach say something like that. I've seen coaches come completely unglued at a correct call so many times that I don't even go to games any more. I just want to go cuff them upside the head and explain that at this age, winning isn't everything and it's more about sportsmanship and respect than winning the state championship.

  • Sean Lange (4/7/2014)

    Ed Wagner (4/7/2014)

    Sean Lange (4/7/2014)

    Greg Edwards-268690 (4/7/2014)

    Sean -

    Is the grass green?

    I still see white and brown around here. 🙂

    Sad about the refs - kids need to learn the rules right.

    And a ref repeating a wrong call is sending the wrong message.

    Hopefully coaches on both sides are letting the kids know what should have happened.

    At least it sounds like no Soccer Mom riot ensued.

    The grass is starting to turn around here. Have even seen a few early spring flowers. The temps are still pretty low but it does appear that warmer weather is emerging soon.

    Definitely no soccer mom riots. At this young age the moms are actually more clueless about the game than the refs. At least until after practice this week. I am planning on my usual parents practice this week. With the young teams I always have one practice where I make all the parents come out on the field. Then I teach the parents how to properly kick the ball, I take them over to the sideline to explain out of bounds, and I use all of them as "players" to teach them offside. Of course at this level they don't call offside but I tell the parents that if they are going to be parents and fans of soccer then learning the rules starts with them. 😛

    We have the same thing with grass around here - nothing but brown.

    I've encountered the same thing in school sports - the refs have a lot of inconsistency in how they call things. While I think the real rules should be used, I can appreciate young children having a relaxed set of rules. I don't like it, but I can understand it. What I cannot understand is the inconsistency in the calls.

    Absolutely the rules should be relaxed for small children. I even convinced the ref to give my team a free kick outside the box instead of a penalty because the field is too small for a penalty (the spot is about 2 1/2 feet from the goal line). I just don't like things like blowing the whistle and then calling for an infraction because the ref incorrectly blew the whistle. Even if the call is incorrect they need to stick with the call. Especially with the little ones, when I don't agree with a call I tell the ref I don't think it is correct but they are the ref and have the final say. I have been known (this week included) to have a private discussion with the ref at half time about them needing to be the leader on the field and have some confidence in their decisions. I may not agree with their call but I will support it. Teaching the little players respect and not challenging the ref is also part of my job as a coach.

    Yep - they need to learn early that there will always be another game.

    And even a ref can make mistakes.

    Getting the parents on board with the rules and game is great.

    They will have more fun watching if they know what is going on.

    Clueless Parent can many times mean Clueless Child.

  • AYSO does not enforce Offside infractions until U-10. I agree that players should be taught the concept of offside early so that they understand it and don't find themselves cherry-picking the goal and then when it gets enforced at a higher age wondering what they did wrong.

    Yes, we refs do make mistakes and sometimes make bad calls. We are trained to make all our calls with confidence and authority. If we realize we made a mistake prior to the restart of play we can fix our call. It may mean giving the ball and restart to the other team or if we realize that the call was just plain wrong (no infraction) going to a drop ball for the restart. Once we have restarted play, we can't go back and fix it.

  • Jack Corbett (4/6/2014)

    So on Thursday I was asked to help analyze a batch process for a third-party product that originally took 2 hours and is now 19+ hour process that sometimes fails. No escalating waits, no obvious metrics out of whack, just a long running process. It looks like there are client-side cursors to do aggregation and then insert aggregate data. I haven't totally verified that yet. The best part is that the application is a Java application which likely means hibernate (that's what the queries look like to me). The best part is that JDBS drivers default to sending all string data in Unicode (NVARCHAR(4000)) and the database is all char/varchar. Every query that has a sting parameter has a CONVERT_IMPLICIT(NCHAR(N), column) = @nvarcharparameter. So every query is either doing an index seek on an index based on numeric parameters followed by a key lookup, or a clustered index scan because no indexes are covering indexes. I tested a few of the queries, just changing NVARCHAR(4000) to VARCHAR(4000) and in each test the plan went to a clustered index seek because all the parameters in the query are on columns in the clustered index, and each query returns one row. The best part is that it can be fixed by adding an attribute to the connection string that will pass string parameters as varchar. I can't make the change, I can only recommend the change to the vendor.

    I was told that one of their early comments is that our database is too big. I think it is around a 100GB and the biggest table has about 3.7 million rows.

    Isn't it funny how it's always "the database is too large"? I had an issue where we had a 3rd-party product that did intrusion detection. When we were testing it, we found that it was taking a long time (over a day) to delete a couple of day's data. I looked at the code and found that they:

    1. copied the event id of all the applicable rows to a temporary table.

    2. numbered the rows one-up.

    3. via loop, deleted 1000 rows.

    4. dropped the temporary table (yep...all the rows haven't been deleted yet...just the first 1000)

    5. started again at #1.

    I suggested that after step 2, they find the max row number, put that into a variable and have the loop delete every thousand rows until the max row number was met. Deletes taking over a day were down to seconds.

    But they first wanted to blame it on the amount of data we were collecting and having to delete.


  • SQLBill (4/8/2014)

    Jack Corbett (4/6/2014)

    So on Thursday I was asked to help analyze a batch process for a third-party product that originally took 2 hours and is now 19+ hour process that sometimes fails. No escalating waits, no obvious metrics out of whack, just a long running process. It looks like there are client-side cursors to do aggregation and then insert aggregate data. I haven't totally verified that yet. The best part is that the application is a Java application which likely means hibernate (that's what the queries look like to me). The best part is that JDBS drivers default to sending all string data in Unicode (NVARCHAR(4000)) and the database is all char/varchar. Every query that has a sting parameter has a CONVERT_IMPLICIT(NCHAR(N), column) = @nvarcharparameter. So every query is either doing an index seek on an index based on numeric parameters followed by a key lookup, or a clustered index scan because no indexes are covering indexes. I tested a few of the queries, just changing NVARCHAR(4000) to VARCHAR(4000) and in each test the plan went to a clustered index seek because all the parameters in the query are on columns in the clustered index, and each query returns one row. The best part is that it can be fixed by adding an attribute to the connection string that will pass string parameters as varchar. I can't make the change, I can only recommend the change to the vendor.

    I was told that one of their early comments is that our database is too big. I think it is around a 100GB and the biggest table has about 3.7 million rows.

    Isn't it funny how it's always "the database is too large"? I had an issue where we had a 3rd-party product that did intrusion detection. When we were testing it, we found that it was taking a long time (over a day) to delete a couple of day's data. I looked at the code and found that they:

    1. copied the event id of all the applicable rows to a temporary table.

    2. numbered the rows one-up.

    3. via loop, deleted 1000 rows.

    4. dropped the temporary table (yep...all the rows haven't been deleted yet...just the first 1000)

    5. started again at #1.

    I suggested that after step 2, they find the max row number, put that into a variable and have the loop delete every thousand rows until the max row number was met. Deletes taking over a day were down to seconds.

    But they first wanted to blame it on the amount of data we were collecting and having to delete.


    But isn't it true that in both cases your data is more than their application can handle? If the data would be smaller 3rd party application would run just fine 🙂

    I have been in the posission of vendor when we customized our application to one client and all went well until publishing it to production with real data. Same application had been working just fine for years already, but in their environment it was very slow and and using too much CPU. All came to fact that they had 200k rows in one table compared to other client's 20. Execution plans were full of table scans and optimizer was generating plans opposite way.

  • Ville-Pekka Vahteala (4/8/2014)

    SQLBill (4/8/2014)

    Jack Corbett (4/6/2014)

    So on Thursday I was asked to help analyze a batch process for a third-party product that originally took 2 hours and is now 19+ hour process that sometimes fails. No escalating waits, no obvious metrics out of whack, just a long running process. It looks like there are client-side cursors to do aggregation and then insert aggregate data. I haven't totally verified that yet. The best part is that the application is a Java application which likely means hibernate (that's what the queries look like to me). The best part is that JDBS drivers default to sending all string data in Unicode (NVARCHAR(4000)) and the database is all char/varchar. Every query that has a sting parameter has a CONVERT_IMPLICIT(NCHAR(N), column) = @nvarcharparameter. So every query is either doing an index seek on an index based on numeric parameters followed by a key lookup, or a clustered index scan because no indexes are covering indexes. I tested a few of the queries, just changing NVARCHAR(4000) to VARCHAR(4000) and in each test the plan went to a clustered index seek because all the parameters in the query are on columns in the clustered index, and each query returns one row. The best part is that it can be fixed by adding an attribute to the connection string that will pass string parameters as varchar. I can't make the change, I can only recommend the change to the vendor.

    I was told that one of their early comments is that our database is too big. I think it is around a 100GB and the biggest table has about 3.7 million rows.

    Isn't it funny how it's always "the database is too large"? I had an issue where we had a 3rd-party product that did intrusion detection. When we were testing it, we found that it was taking a long time (over a day) to delete a couple of day's data. I looked at the code and found that they:

    1. copied the event id of all the applicable rows to a temporary table.

    2. numbered the rows one-up.

    3. via loop, deleted 1000 rows.

    4. dropped the temporary table (yep...all the rows haven't been deleted yet...just the first 1000)

    5. started again at #1.

    I suggested that after step 2, they find the max row number, put that into a variable and have the loop delete every thousand rows until the max row number was met. Deletes taking over a day were down to seconds.

    But they first wanted to blame it on the amount of data we were collecting and having to delete.


    But isn't it true that in both cases your data is more than their application can handle? If the data would be smaller 3rd party application would run just fine 🙂

    I have been in the posission of vendor when we customized our application to one client and all went well until publishing it to production with real data. Same application had been working just fine for years already, but in their environment it was very slow and and using too much CPU. All came to fact that they had 200k rows in one table compared to other client's 20. Execution plans were full of table scans and optimizer was generating plans opposite way.

    So you customized without taking into account the data volume.

    Which is exactly why I always tend to be skeptical of vendors with their Demo Database.

    I like to try and get some kind of Proof of Concept using our data.

    Usually works better for both parties.

    Neither wants the Go Live to go awry.

  • Ville-Pekka Vahteala (4/8/2014)

    SQLBill (4/8/2014)

    Jack Corbett (4/6/2014)

    So on Thursday I was asked to help analyze a batch process for a third-party product that originally took 2 hours and is now 19+ hour process that sometimes fails. No escalating waits, no obvious metrics out of whack, just a long running process. It looks like there are client-side cursors to do aggregation and then insert aggregate data. I haven't totally verified that yet. The best part is that the application is a Java application which likely means hibernate (that's what the queries look like to me). The best part is that JDBS drivers default to sending all string data in Unicode (NVARCHAR(4000)) and the database is all char/varchar. Every query that has a sting parameter has a CONVERT_IMPLICIT(NCHAR(N), column) = @nvarcharparameter. So every query is either doing an index seek on an index based on numeric parameters followed by a key lookup, or a clustered index scan because no indexes are covering indexes. I tested a few of the queries, just changing NVARCHAR(4000) to VARCHAR(4000) and in each test the plan went to a clustered index seek because all the parameters in the query are on columns in the clustered index, and each query returns one row. The best part is that it can be fixed by adding an attribute to the connection string that will pass string parameters as varchar. I can't make the change, I can only recommend the change to the vendor.

    I was told that one of their early comments is that our database is too big. I think it is around a 100GB and the biggest table has about 3.7 million rows.

    Isn't it funny how it's always "the database is too large"? I had an issue where we had a 3rd-party product that did intrusion detection. When we were testing it, we found that it was taking a long time (over a day) to delete a couple of day's data. I looked at the code and found that they:

    1. copied the event id of all the applicable rows to a temporary table.

    2. numbered the rows one-up.

    3. via loop, deleted 1000 rows.

    4. dropped the temporary table (yep...all the rows haven't been deleted yet...just the first 1000)

    5. started again at #1.

    I suggested that after step 2, they find the max row number, put that into a variable and have the loop delete every thousand rows until the max row number was met. Deletes taking over a day were down to seconds.

    But they first wanted to blame it on the amount of data we were collecting and having to delete.


    But isn't it true that in both cases your data is more than their application can handle? If the data would be smaller 3rd party application would run just fine 🙂

    I have been in the posission of vendor when we customized our application to one client and all went well until publishing it to production with real data. Same application had been working just fine for years already, but in their environment it was very slow and and using too much CPU. All came to fact that they had 200k rows in one table compared to other client's 20. Execution plans were full of table scans and optimizer was generating plans opposite way.

    Naw....their application could handle the just wasn't designed to do so. Their developer was cool about it. After cussing me out (because it was obvious he should have considered that when coding)...he laughed and got the change put in. Even thanked me for it. They had this working with a bunch of companies...but no one else had ever needed to delete more than 1000 rows...until us.


  • SQLBill (4/8/2014)

    Ville-Pekka Vahteala (4/8/2014)

    SQLBill (4/8/2014)

    Jack Corbett (4/6/2014)

    So on Thursday I was asked to help analyze a batch process for a third-party product that originally took 2 hours and is now 19+ hour process that sometimes fails. No escalating waits, no obvious metrics out of whack, just a long running process. It looks like there are client-side cursors to do aggregation and then insert aggregate data. I haven't totally verified that yet. The best part is that the application is a Java application which likely means hibernate (that's what the queries look like to me). The best part is that JDBS drivers default to sending all string data in Unicode (NVARCHAR(4000)) and the database is all char/varchar. Every query that has a sting parameter has a CONVERT_IMPLICIT(NCHAR(N), column) = @nvarcharparameter. So every query is either doing an index seek on an index based on numeric parameters followed by a key lookup, or a clustered index scan because no indexes are covering indexes. I tested a few of the queries, just changing NVARCHAR(4000) to VARCHAR(4000) and in each test the plan went to a clustered index seek because all the parameters in the query are on columns in the clustered index, and each query returns one row. The best part is that it can be fixed by adding an attribute to the connection string that will pass string parameters as varchar. I can't make the change, I can only recommend the change to the vendor.

    I was told that one of their early comments is that our database is too big. I think it is around a 100GB and the biggest table has about 3.7 million rows.

    Isn't it funny how it's always "the database is too large"? I had an issue where we had a 3rd-party product that did intrusion detection. When we were testing it, we found that it was taking a long time (over a day) to delete a couple of day's data. I looked at the code and found that they:

    1. copied the event id of all the applicable rows to a temporary table.

    2. numbered the rows one-up.

    3. via loop, deleted 1000 rows.

    4. dropped the temporary table (yep...all the rows haven't been deleted yet...just the first 1000)

    5. started again at #1.

    I suggested that after step 2, they find the max row number, put that into a variable and have the loop delete every thousand rows until the max row number was met. Deletes taking over a day were down to seconds.

    But they first wanted to blame it on the amount of data we were collecting and having to delete.


    But isn't it true that in both cases your data is more than their application can handle? If the data would be smaller 3rd party application would run just fine 🙂

    I have been in the posission of vendor when we customized our application to one client and all went well until publishing it to production with real data. Same application had been working just fine for years already, but in their environment it was very slow and and using too much CPU. All came to fact that they had 200k rows in one table compared to other client's 20. Execution plans were full of table scans and optimizer was generating plans opposite way.

    Naw....their application could handle the just wasn't designed to do so. Their developer was cool about it. After cussing me out (because it was obvious he should have considered that when coding)...he laughed and got the change put in. Even thanked me for it. They had this working with a bunch of companies...but no one else had ever needed to delete more than 1000 rows...until us.


    SO this vendor is not willing to share code because it is "complex" sql. Basically everything is RBAR in so our database is "too big". The suggestions I made, not including changing the app code, took the process from 45 hours to 20 hours. The answer we got from them, because they had it running in 4 against our data on their server is throw more resources at it. So we doubled RAM (8-16) and CPU (4 cores to 8 cores) in our test environment to match their test environment (we are on a VM) and matched their results. So the process is now acceptable to the business folks. I'm still ticked that we got stuck with a crappy application.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
    Check out these links on how to get faster and more accurate answers:
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  • How to have a day go from "going OK" to "I'm almost unable to see straight I'm so ticked off."

    Find out from your wife that sometime between you leaving for work, and her leaving for work, that someone keyed the drivers side of her car (which was parked outside) and keyed "f**k you" on the hood...

    Because of "stuff" in the garage, her car has to be parked in the drive, and it's right by the sidewalk, no fence. I *suspect* it was a punk-**s kid who thought it would be funny while waiting for the school bus at the stop across the street, but have no way to prove it (no security cams on the house.)

    No kids there when I left, they start showing up around 6:30 and I was gone by 5:30 this morning...

    OK, done venting.

  • (4/9/2014)

    How to have a day go from "going OK" to "I'm almost unable to see straight I'm so ticked off."

    Find out from your wife that sometime between you leaving for work, and her leaving for work, that someone keyed the drivers side of her car (which was parked outside) and keyed "f**k you" on the hood...

    Because of "stuff" in the garage, her car has to be parked in the drive, and it's right by the sidewalk, no fence. I *suspect* it was a punk-**s kid who thought it would be funny while waiting for the school bus at the stop across the street, but have no way to prove it (no security cams on the house.)

    No kids there when I left, they start showing up around 6:30 and I was gone by 5:30 this morning...

    OK, done venting.

    UGH!!! That really sucks.


    Need help? Help us help you.

    Read the article at for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns -
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • OMG!

    yuvipoy (4/9/2014)

    I have been using this statement for nearly 6 years in prodution i did not get any error or issue.

    all of the sudden it happened today and i am unable to resolve the issue, still searching for the reason.

  • Sean Lange (4/9/2014) (4/9/2014)

    How to have a day go from "going OK" to "I'm almost unable to see straight I'm so ticked off."

    Find out from your wife that sometime between you leaving for work, and her leaving for work, that someone keyed the drivers side of her car (which was parked outside) and keyed "f**k you" on the hood...

    Because of "stuff" in the garage, her car has to be parked in the drive, and it's right by the sidewalk, no fence. I *suspect* it was a punk-**s kid who thought it would be funny while waiting for the school bus at the stop across the street, but have no way to prove it (no security cams on the house.)

    No kids there when I left, they start showing up around 6:30 and I was gone by 5:30 this morning...

    OK, done venting.

    UGH!!! That really sucks.

    Oh yeah. At least there's only a $200 deductible on the car insurance for this sort of damage, and she's taking it to the dealership repair shop (which is right by her work) for an estimate on the repairs.

    Saturday we're renting a pickup truck and hauling away the crap that's keeping us from getting both cars in the garage, but still...

    Makes me glad I'm moving out to a nicer area in the fall...

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