Are the posted questions getting worse?

  • Steve Jones - Editor (5/27/2009)

    Hard to stay in the top 5. Someone can answer a few hundred questions in a couple days and get up there.

    Ya, I know. That's how I got to number 5 quite a while ago. I'd really have to go back a ways to answer more questions to try and get up higher.

  • I have answered them, but that never gets me anywhere near the top...:-)


  • I went back quite a ways to get questions answered. Took a bit of time and definitely tested my memory.

  • I find it strange that every time there is a problem with Transaction log file size, everyone chips in with truncate of transaction log? These answers comes from people who have been hanging here for a long time too.



  • Roy Ernest (5/27/2009)

    I find it strange that every time there is a problem with Transaction log file size, everyone chips in with truncate of transaction log? These answers comes from people who have been hanging here for a long time too.


    I know in a recent post I agreed with it, but it is a suggestion of last resort and usually only given when the OP has no disk space in which to run a transaction log backup. IIRC, I also emphasized that a full backup needed to be run immediately afterward.

  • I was not talking about you at all Lynn.. 🙂 But I am talking about people who will give that solution as the first solution before anyone can even react,, 🙂 Quick on the trigger I guess.


  • Roy Ernest (5/27/2009)

    I was not talking about you at all Lynn.. 🙂 But I am talking about people who will give that solution as the first solution before anyone can even react,, 🙂 Quick on the trigger I guess.

    I kinda figured you weren't talking about me, but I know i have suggested it so was clarifying for my own edification.

    The reason most people suggest it first off, in my opinion, is a lack of knowledge. They just want to give an answer without considering the effects that it may have.

  • Roy Ernest (5/27/2009)

    I find it strange that every time there is a problem with Transaction log file size, everyone chips in with truncate of transaction log? These answers comes from people who have been hanging here for a long time too.


    If you've ever seen a response from Gail or myself (amongst many others), you know this is not a first reply. No matter how long you've been hanging around here, this is always a last resort (as Lynn has stated as well). There are certain situations that arise, this being one of them, where the seemingly easiest way out is always given as the "correct" way out - usually a rookie mistake. Rarely is that the case as many of us well know. Many times it is the most painful way to a resolution that is the most correct (I had a torn page once, took MS and I four hours to figure it out and correct it!). Not always pretty but with the best possible results - and a great learning experience. How many times have we seen DBCC CheckDB ....REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS?? Not my preferred method but one I've seen used way too many times in these forums. What, and no backup? Can you say unemployed?

    Edit: Ah, I love a good rant now and again....

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

  • Hey, I've used this: DBCC CheckDB ....REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS, but it was on a development database, not a production database so the potential loss of data was immaterial. Plus I did have a good backup of production if needed.

    :w00t: 😉

  • You know, we may hit 5,000 before May 31st!! :w00t:

  • That is my point, You, Gail, Lynn,Steve and many others have been saying that this is not be done. These are the consequences. But the same person who gave the solution as Truncate only after reading all this will give the same answer in the next thread that comes along with the same kind of problem....


  • Roy Ernest (5/27/2009)

    That is my point, You, Gail, Lynn,Steve and many others have been saying that this is not be done. These are the consequences. But the same person who gave the solution as Truncate only after reading all this will give the same answer in the next thread that comes along with the same kind of problem....

    They may read what we have posted, but that does not mean thay have learned or understood anything we have posted. Until they get bit in the arse doing what we strongly suggest not to, they probably won't either. 😉

    What is that saying again, You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink if they don't think they are thirsty??

  • Lynn Pettis (5/27/2009)

    Roy Ernest (5/27/2009)

    That is my point, You, Gail, Lynn,Steve and many others have been saying that this is not be done. These are the consequences. But the same person who gave the solution as Truncate only after reading all this will give the same answer in the next thread that comes along with the same kind of problem....

    They may read what we have posted, but that does not mean thay have learned or understood anything we have posted. Until they get bit in the arse doing what we strongly suggest not to, they probably won't either. 😉

    What is that saying again, You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink if they don't think they are thirsty??

    True enough, except for the horse part. You actually can make a horse drink, if you hold its nose underwater (I used to ride horses almost every day and used that trick a few times). But that's facts ruining a perfectly good cliche.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • GSquared (5/27/2009)

    Lynn Pettis (5/27/2009)

    Roy Ernest (5/27/2009)

    That is my point, You, Gail, Lynn,Steve and many others have been saying that this is not be done. These are the consequences. But the same person who gave the solution as Truncate only after reading all this will give the same answer in the next thread that comes along with the same kind of problem....

    They may read what we have posted, but that does not mean thay have learned or understood anything we have posted. Until they get bit in the arse doing what we strongly suggest not to, they probably won't either. 😉

    What is that saying again, You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink if they don't think they are thirsty??

    True enough, except for the horse part. You actually can make a horse drink, if you hold its nose underwater (I used to ride horses almost every day and used that trick a few times). But that's facts ruining a perfectly good cliche.

    Great, now I have to come up with a new cliche... 😉

  • If you hold the nose underwater, wont it get water into its lung ?

    You really blew away that saying... It was a good saying not any more... lol


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