General Qestions

  • k.subramanyam1017 (5/21/2012)

    Hi friend,

    Thankyou for gave valuable information but i have one doubt as u r information you handled 12 datafiles and 18 log files in the sense 12 databases are there means(12database=12 datafiles(mdf files) and 12 log files) but you have given 18 log files what about remaining 6 log files (6 data files).

    I think each and every single database contain 1 datafile(mdf file) and 1 log file. is it correct or not pls give me answer.

    1)how to find out the long exection time queries pls tell me procedure.

    Thank u for u r cooperation Thanks a lot............:-)

    I have one word and one word only and it is GOOGLE

  • Or Bing!

    (or even Yahoo if you must)

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
    My blog at
    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Koen Verbeeck (5/22/2012)

    Or Bing!

    (or even Yahoo if you must)

    hey - what's wrong with


  • michael vessey (5/22/2012)

    Koen Verbeeck (5/22/2012)

    Or Bing!

    (or even Yahoo if you must)

    hey - what's wrong with

    Nothing at all, and no quarms against Bing or Yahoo, or any other search engine for that matter, just my personal preference is Google, plus Google is a younger model than Jeeves.

  • Koen Verbeeck (5/21/2012)

    k.subramanyam1017 (5/21/2012)

    I think each and every single database contain 1 datafile(mdf file) and 1 log file. is it correct or not pls give me answer.

    1)how to find out the long exection time queries pls tell me procedure.

    That's incorrect. A database can have multiple data files (mdf and ndf) and - if you really must - multiple log files.

    Investigating Multiple Transaction Log Files in SQL Server[/url]

    Using Multiple Files[/url]

    Regarding the long running query: copy it, paste it in SSMS and hit F5. If it runs for a long time, then you have a long execution time.

    Seriously now, would it kill you to do some research?


    Why are you bothering?

    Adam Zacks-------------------------------------------Be Nice, Or Leave

  • Schadenfreude-Mei (5/22/2012)


    Why are you bothering?

    Well, these were more actual questions than the first ones 😀

    And he even put some thought in it. (Incorrectly, but it's the gestion that matters).

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
    My blog at
    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Well, these were more actual questions than the first ones 😀

    And he even put some thought in it. (Incorrectly, but it's the gestion that matters).

    I noticed that, and was thinking of being helpful and then i saw your comment.

    There used to be a way to use google through pure html(no gui) but cant find the url now; you know it?

    Adam Zacks-------------------------------------------Be Nice, Or Leave

  • I have no idea.

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
    My blog at
    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Hi friend,

    Thanks to given answer but my client said how to find out slow runnig queries or long execution queries(i dont know which query is slow runnuing and which query is taking long execution time)so how to find out your way.

    how to resolve the slow running queries and long execution queries or stored procedures.

    so pls give me procedure.

    Thank you.

  • k.subramanyam1017 (5/22/2012)

    Hi friend,

    Thanks to given answer but my client said how to find out slow runnig queries or long execution queries(i dont know which query is slow runnuing and which query is taking long execution time)so how to find out your way.

    how to resolve the slow running queries and long execution queries or stored procedures.

    so pls give me procedure.

    Thank you.

    Please go and do your own research and come back with what you find, you are more likely to get a better answer that way instead of wanting us to do your job for you. If you are stuck on something, tell us what you are stuck on, provide us with what you have tried so far, just dont expect us to give you an answer if you cant be bothered to look for the answer yourself first.

  • k.subramanyam1017 (5/21/2012)

    Hi friend,

    Thankyou for gave valuable information but i have one doubt as u r information you handled 12 datafiles and 18 log files in the sense 12 databases are there means(12database=12 datafiles(mdf files) and 12 log files) but you have given 18 log files what about remaining 6 log files (6 data files).

    I think each and every single database contain 1 datafile(mdf file) and 1 log file. is it correct or not pls give me answer.

    1)how to find out the long exection time queries pls tell me procedure.

    Thank u for u r cooperation Thanks a lot............:-)

    You missed the most important part out of my answer:

    1. I have handled 12 data files and 18 log files (together with 7 flies) with one blow!

    The key was "7 flies with one blow"!

    I cannot believe it, did you take it for serious? Look, it's irrelevant how many data files and log files I've handled, more than that, I would never be able to answer this one as I've never did count them. I wonder if anyone ever did! I've just picked up first numbers which came to my mind. It could be 112 and 218, or whatever.

    And for

    1)how to find out the long exection time queries pls tell me procedure.

    Try this:

    You need a marine chronometer to measure the exact execution time and a sextant to navigate though the numerous dangerous and unknown database objects. The above two instruments will allow you to find the angle, and the time of measurement which can be used to calculate a position line of a query on a nautical or aeronautical chart. Sextant will help you to find the the sun at the dark corners of SQL Servers, also it can be used (when held horizontally) to measure the angle between any two data files tables which allows for calculation of a position of any data on the hard drive. A sextant can also be used to measure the distance between the SQL Server core engine (very often called "moon") and another SQL Server celestial object (e.g., star-optimiser, planet-compiler) in order to determine exact Execution time which is important because it can then be used to determine the level of developer competence.

    There are another well known ways to find "long execution queries" eg. using clepsydrae and caliper, sundial and ballistic pendulum or, at the end, seiko watch and tape measure, but all of them are inferior to described above.

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

    How to post your question to get the best and quick help[/url]

  • You need a marine chronometer to measure the exact execution time and a sextant to navigate though the numerous dangerous and unknown database objects. The above two instruments will allow you to find the angle, and the time of measurement which can be used to calculate a position line of a query on a nautical or aeronautical chart. Sextant will help you to find the the sun at the dark corners of SQL Servers, also it can be used (when held horizontally) to measure the angle between any two data files tables which allows for calculation of a position of any data on the hard drive. A sextant can also be used to measure the distance between the SQL Server core engine (very often called "moon") and another SQL Server celestial object (e.g., star-optimiser, planet-compiler) in order to determine exact Execution time which is important because it can then be used to determine the level of developer competence.

    There are another well known ways to find "long execution queries" eg. using clepsydrae and caliper, sundial and ballistic pendulum or, at the end, seiko watch and tape measure, but all of them are inferior to described above.

    And dont forget that when calculating the angles of SQL data object(s) incidents that the dimensional throb is perpendiculaarly equal to the throb of the data-nob.

    Adam Zacks-------------------------------------------Be Nice, Or Leave

  • i really don't think, we should continue this - the original poster seems to be just taking the mick. - and our responses are proboably becoming inappropriate - also i really wouldn't want the OP to get a job as a SQL consultant if he doesn't have the basic knowledge and can't be bothered to look it up or learn for himself

    to the original poster - if you want to find out how to check for long running queries then i can suggest a few places to look

    firstly use google and look for SQL PROFILER

    secondly - there is a host of material on the internet that we really really really don't want to re-type for you. I suggest you go and have a look at brent ozar's video learning sessions at


  • k.subramanyam1017 (5/21/2012)

    Hi friends,

    could u please any one tell me the these questions

    1) what is your company file architecture and how much data u r handle.

    2) how many data and log files u r handle in u r company


    1) Our database size varies from 300GB to 3TB. On 32 bit servers we have 32 data and 32 log files. On 64bit servers we have 64 data and 64 log files to make use of parallel IO processing.

    2) All our databases are in Simple recovery model so that log backup is is very small. It makes log-shipping and mirroring effecient

    3) We have installed all our SQL Server instances on Linux OS as it is free and we can save lot of money

    4) We USB pen drives to store all our data and log files so that if the server crashes we can unplug the pen drives and pug them to some other server and continue our ciritcal business quickly.

    5) We run all our business critical SQL Servers on Apple Hi5 laptop computers so that if any disaster like flood, earthquake, fire happens we can carry the laptops easily to another building.

    6) We use floppy disks to take backup as tapes are very slow and sequential. Floppy disks have random access and very fast.

    7) We compress all the data and log files using a free tool called DiFlate which has 98% compression ratio

    8) As our data is confidential we encrypt all the data and log files using a free tool called DiFence

    10) We scan all our data and log files with AgryBirds antivirus software.

    11) We use Policy Based Management to identify slow running queries and run them under Resource Governor so that they run withing 3 seconds.

    12) We use WiFi wireless network for all our server. Because rats can cut the network cables.

    Hope this will help you to bag a high paying job without wasting your time reading books and practicing complex technologies.

    We have a opening in our company for Senior DBA position with 4+ years of hands on experience in Clustering, Log-Shipping, Mirroring, Replication, Load Balancing, Resource Governor, Policy Based Management, etc. If you are interested please upload your detailed resume here. Short listed candidates will have telephonic interview next week.

  • I noticed that, and was thinking of being helpful and then i saw your comment.

    There used to be a way to use google through pure html(no gui) but cant find the url now; you know it?

    Probably not what you meant, but I was thinking of answering the OP this way: server

    ... if you've never used this for somebody asking another question like this, check it out. Not harmful, I promise; purely educational.


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