Giving pain to DBA

  • Hi,

    Yes this intresting.

    But i think that u all are intrested in the database design how many logfile i have in the database how much size.why u all need this.what u can slove with this. i dont need any suggestion regarding shrink command.

    i asked u all a simple question and u all are diverting it in diffrent direction.

    come on the question for logswitch.

    pls look on all those clues i have given.if u have a good look on the clues and study how sql server works when we detach and attach the database with .mdf file only then will not ask anything from me.

    pls look .................then it will be more intresting................



  • But Sufian, you have also asked how it does that the number 2 ot the status field from the dbcc loginfo is moving from the file number 2 to the file number 3.

    I've tried to answer but, because of no feedback on that subject from your part, whether it has answered your sppecific question or not.

    Your question of switching the log has been already answered by several guys. Shortly: NO WAY. Your initial logfile will remain with your database, if you want your database keeping online.

    On other hand as a general remark: This is a forum, where people are coming for asking help by opening a new thread. Other people are trying to help, by bringing answers. All this is free of charge! And belive me it takes time to read, understand the problem, sometime work out an answer by testing it (especially the TSQL thread).

    Yes it can happen that somebody didn't understand the initial question because it is not a tipical SQLServer related question, like your logswitching question. And of cours you cannot expect on an SQLServer specific forum people beeing expert of other databases as well.

    So by asking question you should remain humble, very humble! Because you are requesting a HELP! You are not paying for, therefore there is no SLA, no money back penality guaranty if the answer is not 100% satisfying your needs!

    Trust me! I think I can speak in name of everybody answering regullary on this site that our main statisfaction to bring tons of helps and answers where other collegues could solve their specific problems.

    We are not all nativ English speaking, so I personnaly don't like remarks (not from you) regarding somebodie's English knowledge. I'm speaking 4 languages and maybe English is the worse of them, but as long as I understand the question and I'm able to answer them I'm happy.

    So keep cool and be positiv


  • Dear Gabor,

    u r right but can u pls tell me that if i am saying that if something is not given in books online then why someone force me to read that.

    I know this is forum where people help but what kind of help to read books online. or they say stupid question.

    they should be professional.

    I think people post the question here to get the right answer  ASAP because they might be busy and they have no time to study. but yes they will study later on .

    u know when i answer to any question i never suggest to read books online becasue the user need practical (means code or the way to do)not theoritical.

    but yes u all can add a comment to read books online but doent force to read books online.



  • 1) Because others may be dealing with a similar issue and by answering this user's question, those other people may be helped.

    2) Getting angry at a particular person doesn't solve anything. This is a public messageboard and part of the T&C means sometimes dealing with posts that will be offensive.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • I think your impression of Books Online is incorrect. Many cases Books Online contains practical information, especially syntax. It also usually explains why you can and can't do something in SQL Server. Cases like your log switching question, for instance. It is not too much to ask to have someone read the appropriate section in Books Online. As the saying goes: "Give me a fish and I eat for a day. Teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime."

    Bottom line is that if you need to keep the database online, you can't remove the primary log file. SQL Server won't let you. Just like you can't remove the primary data file. SQL Server expects these to be there and expects to write to them. Only by detaching the database, making the data file and log file inactive, can you do something with the log file. You can, however, create a very small primary log file or shrink your existing primary log file so long as you have a second log file of sufficient size. If your database CAN go offline (which saying it needs to be 24/7 implies that you cannot), then detach it and go about it that way.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • I will also like to add that some times in BOL you have an ample respose to a question that can't be answered in two words and it makes it invaluable.

    As long a topic is given the poster will need a much narrower read to make just to understand the issues reading a professionally written material. I consider that a valuable help (have seen the magnitude of BOL?)

    On another point if you don't like the answers that you are recieving why do you insist in replying offencively to those that tried to help you ?


    * Noel

  • Have only 2 words left to say :

    Moo point!

  • I am out of this thread because I see that the poster does not deserve the attention or respect of anyone here. I saw people trying to give him an explanation about shrinking, circular log file behaviour, sequenciality of those and so forth and the poster is just replying with nonsenses or no answer at all related to what he's been asked.

    Hey ... Mr. Sufi ....    carry on !!!!    




    * Noel

  • Remi:

    Moo point?  So this is maybe a gateway server?    Maybe that answeres your original I/O question. 

    My hovercraft is full of eels.

  • I'll give him the answer he wants to hear : DON'T look in BOL. It's the only information in the world you can't find in there .

    A quote from Friends :

    Joey: All right, Rach. The big question is, "does he like you?" All right? Because if he doesn't like you, this is all a moo point.

    Rachel: Huh. A moo point?

    Joey: Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion. It just doesn't matter. It's moo.

    Rachel: Have I been living with him for too long, or did that all just make sense?

  • "As long a topic is given the poster will need a much narrower read to make just to understand the issues reading a professionally written material. I consider that a valuable help (have seen the magnitude of BOL?)"

    I think he thinks he's too important to do this by himself. He's probabely a manager that's used to delegate and have all the perfect answers spit out by others... but that's just my impression.

    Hey what do you know... another 3 useless posts to my count .

  • I just found this thread and have really enjoyed reading all NINE pages.

    I have read the original question and  the evolving dimensions of the question. Factually, it would appear that he just doesn't like (or maybe understand) that he simply cannot do what he wants to do without taking the server out of production for a short while.

    He also fails to understand that most respondents are trying to help a user solve a problem, not figure out the question and his environment based on vague clues he chooses to drop.

    One thought comes to mind. Given this guy's rancor, sarcasm, and unwillingness to help himself combined with his obvious lack of manners; could it be that this whole thread was begun as a joke?

    I hope I'm not playing into this but, as someone pointed out earlier, it is hard to beleive this guy is really looking for help.


  • Thanx for reading the 9 pages, it takes a lot of courage to read through all this waste of time. Anyways ,as I said, I thinks he wants only the answer he thinks is right and can't imagine that maybe his just trying to do something impossible in sql server.

    As for "rancor, sarcasm, and unwillingness to help himself combined with his obvious lack of manners", see my previous answers on THIS page .

    I think this started as a real question but is continuing as a joke .

  • It's entirely possible the original poster is trolling, but I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. This isn't Usenet, after all.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • poster is trolling???

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