Talking baseball

  • I think the Dodgers did well with this one. They get some names, they get some excitement, and they should be competitive for a couple years with these guys. In the playoffs anything can happen, but I'd like to see Crawford get healthy and then go to work on this team.

    Boston doesn't get much right now except flexibility. Even with their cash, this is a lot of money to dump. If they do something with it, and I think they will (but hope they make bad choices), they will probably end up with the better end of the deal.

    Can't evaluate this for 2 years, IMHO.

  • I think you're right; too soon to tell which team got the better end of the deal.

    Initial impression: I think the Dodgers have won themselves a pennant sometime in the next few years. A-Gone's bat might be the spark their lineup needs, and if Beckett regains the form he had a few years ago, the Dodgers might just be playing in Octoer. And if Crawford is back in form next year, look out!

    Outside of James Loney, whom I've always thought was a very good first baseman, I don't know enough about what Boston got in return.

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  • The talking heads are calling the Dodgers the "Yankees West". The Giants and the Yankees have won the same amount of World Series since 2001 (Yanks have only been to one more, also), so you see how it's worked out for them. No offense, Ray.

    Of course, I left off the 90s. IMO those Yankee teams were different from 2000s (better core, chemistry).

    Being a Giants fan, I'm glad the Dodgers are spending all the money, it gives more exposure to the NL West and west coast baseball in general. The Giants are built on pitching and until Lincecum started slumping, boasted arguably the best staff in baseball (it won them the 2010 title). Pitching will always beat hitting. It will also motivate the Giants front office to bring in a bat.

    If the Dodgers dont implode because of all the egos (or Hanlee Ramirez), it should make for fun and interesting baseball.

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    Yeah, well...The Dude abides.
  • hmmm, Boston got a stellar deal!

    Crawford who plays only half seasons... By the time he can't find anything else wrong with him to be off the DL for a whole season, he'll be retiring.

    Beckett, well, he was good and isn't good now. Only time will tell on that one. His back was tweaked again in the last few weeks so that might be a nagging issue going forward for LA.

    Gonzalez, I wish they would have kept him sad to see him go. Ellsbury, Pedroia, Gonzales, Ortiz was a heck of a lineup.

    I don't know anything about this Lonely fella and only time will tell when it comes to prospects. But you can't beat $270 million dollars in your pocket! Drinks on Boston tonight boys!!!

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  • Sheez! How do you blow a ten game lead?!?

    (calvo -- you are not allowed to respond!!! :-P)

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  • Ray K (9/6/2012)

    Sheez! How do you blow a ten game lead?!?

    (calvo -- you are not allowed to respond!!! :-P)

    One game at a time. Ten times in a short span.

  • That was quite a shot that McCarthy took to the head last night. Scary stuff.

    Tim Mitchell, Microsoft Data Platform MVP
    Data Warehouse and ETL Consultant | @Tim_Mitchell |
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  • Ray K (9/6/2012)

    Sheez! How do you blow a ten game lead?!?

    (calvo -- you are not allowed to respond!!! :-P)

    I feel conflicted at the moment. Do I talk smack because my team is "rebuilding" or do I talk sympathy because my team was there last year?

    The Yankees are not only tough to put down but they're tough to put out. New York has a three game series in Boston, perhaps we can have the pleasure of sweeping them into third place and out of the playoff picture. It will be tough since some of their players have an unfair advantage... being on steroids and all. But I think Boston can pull it off! We'll do it with replacements, call-ups, and rookies!

    (I went with option A)

    It looks like it is shaping up to be a great race to the finish. With Baltimore and Tampa one and two games behind it's going to be exciting.

    I told a coworker that if Baltimore and Washington ended up in the World Series that I would buy a Harper jersey... and wear it. So I'm kinda rooting for anyone but Baltimore and Washington right now. I do not ride on the Harper bandwagon and I honestly think he's way over hyped. Only time will tell though.

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  • calvo (9/10/2012)

    I feel conflicted at the moment. Do I talk smack because my team is "rebuilding" or do I talk sympathy because my team was there last year?

    Magic number for BOS is 4. Then they have a losing season :w00t:

  • calvo (9/10/2012)

    Do I talk smack because my team is "rebuilding"

    You're a Red Sox fan. I'm a Yankee fan. I fully expect you to talk smack! 😉

    Check out my blog at

  • Boy, this thread's been quiet lately! Now that we're coming down to the wire, any thoughts on the pennant races?

    I read not long ago that there are as many as 18 teams that are in contention for the 10 playoff spots!

    BTW, on an unrelated note, I have a Yankees schedule at my desk. The last game of the regular season -- NYY vs. BOS -- also happens to be the same day I depart for my Hawaiian vacation!!! :w00t::cool::hehe:

    Check out my blog at

  • I've been out for a bit in the last month and haven't had a chance to keep current in here.

    I hope the orioles can edge out the yankees just because (sorry).

    Let's start talking off-season!!! Get rid of Bobby-V! Find some more young talent! Get rid of Lester and Aceves!

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  • Nail biting time in the AL, NL looks fairly settled barring a big collapse.

    Nice to see the As in there at the end. Go Moneyball!

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (9/19/2012)

    Nail biting time in the AL, NL looks fairly settled barring a big collapse.

    Nice to see the As in there at the end. Go Moneyball!

    Yea, I agree... nice to see small market A's back in the playoff hunt. I wish the Pirates would have not fallen off the cliff... would have been nice to see them in the playoffs as well since they have a string of 19 seasons of below .500

  • Ditto, I was hoping the Pirates would stay in it.

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