
  • Update Dbo.QOTDTABLE Set ANSWER='ALL' WHERE QOTDTABLE.Date BETWEEN ('20141015','20141016')


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I guess it pays to wait until the afternoon to answer the QOTD.

    Aigle de Guerre!

  • After 5 pages of bloviation we get to the point of saying This was an excellent question and another great opportunity to learn something. I have not unpivoted to this point and did not really know that it was there. The question exposed a corner of SQL that I had not been near and I am glad for the opportunity to have had this brought to the table.

    I understand about the answer being the wrong radio button and would have been upset had I read the question and answered wrong earlier. Stuff like this can really get you going if you know you are right and are told it is wrong. But that does not take away from the value of what was put forward.


    Not all gray hairs are Dinosaurs!

  • Miles Neale (10/16/2014)

    After 5 pages of bloviation we get to the point of saying This was an excellent question and another great opportunity to learn something. I have not unpivoted to this point and did not really know that it was there. The question exposed a corner of SQL that I had not been near and I am glad for the opportunity to have had this brought to the table.

    I understand about the answer being the wrong radio button and would have been upset had I read the question and answered wrong earlier. Stuff like this can really get you going if you know you are right and are told it is wrong. But that does not take away from the value of what was put forward.


    thats call positive energy 😀

  • :w00t: Hurray got the point :hehe::hehe::hehe:

  • :w00t: Hurray got the point :hehe::hehe::hehe:

  • :w00t: Hurray got the point :hehe::hehe::hehe:

  • Sean Lange (10/16/2014)

    Bobby Russell (10/16/2014)

    REALLY getting tired of CORRECT ANSWERS BEING WRONG. I have to ask now since this is the SECOND day in a row, is it SQLServerCentral's intention to provide INCORRECT information? Someone should be reviewing these QOTD questions BEFORE they are posted. It's fairly obvious it's going to return two rows but since I got it wrong I loaded it up and ran it and I was RIGHT ABOUT BEING WRONG. FIX THIS.

    Have you ever posted a QOTD? Would you volunteer to be on a committee to review and test each and every QOTD before they go live? I am sure Steve would love to have somebody help with this. Instead of screaming about the problem maybe you should offer to be part of the solution.

    Having done 1 QOTD (with typos even after/because of checking a number of times and revising) I can honestly say we should be thankful to the contributors here. There is a large amount of effort put into QOTD, and editorials too, and there are too many non-contributors who whinge without doing anything themselves to resolve it.

    Maybe it would be handy to add which version of SQL Server is used but that either requires every contributor remembering to add that detail to their question or a change to the SSC website and database. It would also be nice for each QOTD to be reviewed.

    Quite frankly, as we are all paid up subscribers to the £0.00 lifetime membership fee how much of that fee would you put to either of these options???


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • I would like to say a huge thank you to the question posters, even when they post the wrong answer. For me personally, the QotD is increasing my knowledge as whenever there is something I have never come across then I research it, so increasing my knowledge. I don't think I will ever have the confidence to post a question myself so I always admire the people who do.

    Bottom line, SQL Server Central doesn't actually HAVE to post a question of the day and the guys there could easily get tired of the bitching over not getting a point and stop doing it!


  • Sean of the Lynchmob (10/17/2014)

    I would like to say a huge thank you to the question posters, even when they post the wrong answer. For me personally, the QotD is increasing my knowledge as whenever there is something I have never come across then I research it, so increasing my knowledge. I don't think I will ever have the confidence to post a question myself so I always admire the people who do.

    Bottom line, SQL Server Central doesn't actually HAVE to post a question of the day and the guys there could easily get tired of the bitching over not getting a point and stop doing it!


    + lots

    I have submitted 3 QOTD and got a reasonable amount of adverse comments as a result.

    SSC should be somewhere that is somewhere to pick peoples brains about a problem and for a bit of fun - I hope the people who cry "foul" loudly on the lighter side of SSC (as I see QOTD being) create the same amount of noise when they see an error in a colleague's work.

    -------------------------------Posting Data Etiquette - Jeff Moden [/url]Smart way to ask a question
    There are naive questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand (the world). There is no such thing as a dumb question. ― Carl Sagan
    I would never join a club that would allow me as a member - Groucho Marx

  • Sean of the Lynchmob (10/17/2014)

    ...I don't think I will ever have the confidence to post a question myself...

    As someone who thought that myself, can I just say that the QOTD is aimed at ALL levels of knowledge and include simple knowledge, "gotchas", unexpected behaviour, unintuitive behaviour, new features, oft forgotten features and many more. Sometimes it is as simple as recognising when you have learnt something (not via SSC probably) and rephrasing that knowledge as a question.

    Don't worry if it has been asked before because that has happened, will happen again, retesting is valuable and, of course, there are new people answering QOTD every week.

    For one, I look forward to your first question whenever it comes!!! 😀

    EDIT: Muppetry in messing up the quote box!!!


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • Sean of the Lynchmob (10/17/2014)

    I would like to say a huge thank you to the question posters, even when they post the wrong answer. For me personally, the QotD is increasing my knowledge as whenever there is something I have never come across then I research it, so increasing my knowledge. I don't think I will ever have the confidence to post a question myself so I always admire the people who do.

    Bottom line, SQL Server Central doesn't actually HAVE to post a question of the day and the guys there could easily get tired of the bitching over not getting a point and stop doing it!


    Could not agree more. This is a opportunity to learn and be exposed to interesting facts, processes, and uses of the tools we make a living using. And some take it as an opportunity to vent online when they cannot afford to vent on the job. Seems to serve a wonderful purpose.

    To summarize, here you get

    1. Free information

    2. Free education

    3. Free answers to your questions

    4. People who listen for free (thanks Steve)

    5. Free up-to-date job related insight

    6. Free Encouragement to increase our skills and resume

    7. And a free place to vent

    It has been said "free advice is worth what you pay for it" but here at SSC you get a great value for only the price of your time. Well worth it. What more can we ask for?

    So what if they mess up the QotD from time to time. You learn more and remember it longer if there is a struggle getting the point(s) for an answer, or in making your point. It makes you think, and that is very valuable.

    Not all gray hairs are Dinosaurs!

  • Miles Neale (10/16/2014)

    After 5 pages of bloviation we get to the point of saying This was an excellent question and another great opportunity to learn something. I have not unpivoted to this point and did not really know that it was there. The question exposed a corner of SQL that I had not been near and I am glad for the opportunity to have had this brought to the table.

    I understand about the answer being the wrong radio button and would have been upset had I read the question and answered wrong earlier. Stuff like this can really get you going if you know you are right and are told it is wrong. But that does not take away from the value of what was put forward.



    I haven't unpivoted either, but now I've seen the syntax and learned something that I would not have otherwise.

  • dbeyfyerd (10/17/2014)

    Miles Neale (10/16/2014)

    After 5 pages of bloviation we get to the point of saying This was an excellent question and another great opportunity to learn something. I have not unpivoted to this point and did not really know that it was there. The question exposed a corner of SQL that I had not been near and I am glad for the opportunity to have had this brought to the table.

    I understand about the answer being the wrong radio button and would have been upset had I read the question and answered wrong earlier. Stuff like this can really get you going if you know you are right and are told it is wrong. But that does not take away from the value of what was put forward.



    I haven't unpivoted either, but now I've seen the syntax and learned something that I would not have otherwise.

    A good question - but I'm glad I was without internet for a couple of days so that I missed the wrong answer, as I would probably have believed it!

    I have used unpivot before, but that was just once about five or six years ago and I had decided not to use it again because the documentation was so awful. I think that unpivot may be the least well-documented of all T-SQL features - the documentation seems not to have improved over the years. Anyway, it was great to have a question on unpivot - I don't recall ever seeing a question on this before - because I had completely forgotten how it worked and really had to rack my brain to get an answer.


Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 64 total)

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