Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 43 total)

  • RE: The Scobleizer

    BOFH = Bastard Operator From Hell, a famous (infamous?) cyberspace character of some vintage.

  • RE: The Scobleizer

    especially with Matt the Exchange Nazi setting quotas and asking me to delete old emails.

    At least he asks you to delete the old e-mails.  It could be worse, after...

  • RE: How do I do this update with Query Analyzer (I''''m a web guy)

    This thread may be a bit stale, but let me toss in another $.02 worth, if I may ...

    One trick I've found is...

  • RE: MS Access Datasource - Could not use ''''''''; file already in use.

    Another possibility, following on from what cherbik mentioned:  Make sure that everyone's opening the Access front end file in Shared mode rather than Exclusive.

  • RE: Question of the Day for 31 May 2006

    TRICK QUESTION!!!  Has the QOD writing been outsourced to lawyers??

  • RE: Database Abuse

    About fifteen years ago, I was working as a delivery driver at a pizza chain that I'll decline to identify.  It's sufficiently well-known that it doesn't need any publicity assistance...

  • RE: TRN files

    Consider also what's happening in the "real" world, i.e., what your database users are doing.  If your office tends to have a flurry of activity at a particular time of...

  • RE: hardware specs rejected

    We're running 2000 here, so my info may be outdated, but ...

    You can't install a full-blown instance of SQL Server 2000 on Windows XP, but just client tools or only...

  • RE: Copy Table to Different DB

    Just an update for the benefit of anyone who responded and/or is watching this topic:

    By using a slightly different tack in DTS, I got all of the tables I needed...

  • RE: Copy Table to Different DB

    Sorry, Lowell, to me SQL scripts are even less comprehensible than Greek.

    However, for copying tables from data01 to data51, WHERE statements and filters...

  • RE: Copy Table to Different DB

    Sorry about the delayed response.  I posted the question right before I left work Friday, and this is the first chance I've had today to read replies.

    Amit: I don't know...

  • RE: Pick on Windows Poll

    "You uploaded Windows to the Borg?  Are you crazy?!"

    "Well, we haven't heard a peep from them, so I guess it worked!"

  • RE: Veritas Backup

    I concur with Terry on all points.  Our setup is to create transaction log files on disk during the workday, create a BAK file on disk in the early evening,...

  • RE: These guys must have some database!

    > if you read a bit of bruce schneier's website, you'll see that the problem is not the government's lack of enough data, but rather that they have too...

  • RE: Call In The Experts

    > In any case, knowing what you don't know is a valuable skill. One I'd highly recommend you learn.

    In a previous job, I had a network user who didn't...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 43 total)