Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

  • RE: I know I have seen this solution before.....


    That was way to simple compaired to the queries I was trying to compose.

    Thanks so much ron


  • RE: Primary Key Field - Identity

    You could create a stored procedure that would:

    1. get the last identity for the table

    2. drop the table

    3. create the table with the new identity seed value set to the...

  • RE: Query Optimization Help

    Paste your query into Query Analyzer and hit CTRL + I

    This will launch the indexing wizzard. Follow the steps and let it add indexes to your table

    This should increase the...

  • RE: Stored Procedure call from VB Component timing out

    5-8 seconds in Query Analyzer is still quite long. I would suggest Indexing some of the columns.

    When you have your query in Query Analyzer....hit CTRL + I and that...

  • RE: Help with subquery

    No worries Rick

    This might work as well for you


    SELECT LDR.LoanNumber


    ,LDR.StatusCodeDate ...

  • RE: Help with subquery

    select * from

    TableA as A

    INNER JOIN TableB as B ON B.ID = A.ID

    WHERE B.value = (SELECT MIN(B.value) FROM B)

    I think this will work for you.

  • RE: Placing Pictures in Database?

    You can use the Image data type to store binary data in a database. Depending on how many binary files you have this could quickly expand the size of your...

  • RE: Dynamic creation of a temporary table with EXEC

    Thanks for your replies

    Steve you helped me see some mistakes and I have since corrected them. Also I needed to set @sWhereClause = '' because if left to NULL when...

  • RE: Dynamic creation of a temporary table with EXEC

    Ok the Begin and Ends don't matter...the script prints to text fine and executes fine. There is not problem there.

    Thus I will not stand in the corner and smack myself...

  • RE: cursors

    I had a similar problem where using a cursor was my only option. My stored procedure took 9 min and I reduced that to 3-5 seconds.

    What you might want...

  • RE: Preformance Tuning Advice

    Sorry what I meant was average data

    So what I am am doing in each itteration of the loop is passing the answerID to SP_U4TA

    SET @SQL = N'SELECT @ReturnVal =...

  • RE: Preformance Tuning Advice

    Thanks Ken and Arif

    I don't need to create indexes on the #tempTable so I will impliment the use of a table instead of a temporary table

    Definitely I will update the...

  • RE: Preformance Tuning Advice

    Thanks for the advice Andrew it is most appreciated.

    I can see how cursors are a preformance hit but I don't think I have much choice in the matter. I...

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)