Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

  • RE: another IIf function question

    Hi Niall,

       R u looking for the sql query with case else end clause?




  • RE: Unable to connect from Windows 2003 server to the sql server installed on windows 200 server.

    I am able to. I tried joing the sql server to the webserver domain as well. Still it is not connecting to sql server.


  • RE: Unable to connect from Windows 2003 server to the sql server installed on windows 200 server.

    Hi Sivaprasad,

       Thanks for your prompt reply.

       I tried these options but I am not able to connect. I am in total mess now. Please help me out


    Thank you

    Nivedita Thomas


  • RE: how to use "CASE" in "WHERE" clause?


      Please check the sql statement given below.

    SELECT table1.field1, table1.field1, table2.field2

    FROM table1 , table2 

    WHERE table1.field1 *= table2.field1

    AND table2.field2 = (case when table2.field2 is null then null else 2004 end)

    Hope this helps.


  • RE: Error: 9001 During xml operations in stored proc

    Hi Jeff,

    What is the error the you are getting? I have never encountered such a scenario. Ofcourse using xml will reduce the performance when the hit rate is very high.


  • RE: sp_MSdbuseraccess


     Do u mean sp_MShasdbaccess? I doubt there is any system sp named sp_MSdbuseraccess. Can u pls tell me which version of SQL you are using?

    Nivedita Sundar.N

  • RE: Log Shipping Issues

    Hi Florenzano,

       You can disable the logshipping job by disabling the job entry in the primary server.

    Hope this answers ur query.

    Nivedita Sundar.N


  • RE: Display month in 3 letter abbreviation

    Hi David,

      Do you really need all these headaches? The query given below will give you desired output if you replace getdate() function with the date you want.


  • RE: Executing SQL Command???


    Try the code given below.

    DECLARE @filterCriteria varchar

    DECLARE @filterCMD varchar

    declare @sql1 nvarchar(200)

    set @filterCriteria = 'w'

    IF @filterCriteria LIKE 'W'

    set @filterCMD=' DESCRIP LIKE ''%closed%'' or DESCRIP LIKE ''%deny%'' or DESCRIP like ''%withdrawn%''...

  • RE: Reseting Indentity Column of a Table

    Hi Ravi,

    The truncate option wont work for columns with dependencies. The DBCC CHECKIDENT will work.

    Nivedita Sundar.N

  • RE: Search ALL StoredProcs for a variable -- Please HELP


    Hope this is the solution that u r looking for


    FROM  sysobjects SO

    JOIN  syscomments SC

    ON =

    WHERE  SC.text LIKE '%SHIPPING_TOTAL%' and so.xtype='P'


    Nivedita Sundar.N

  • RE: Reseting Indentity Column of a Table

    Hi Ravi,

      You can change the seed value of identity column by using the statement

    DBCC CHECKIDENT ('table_name', RESEED, new_reseed_value)

    By using the truncate command the identity column is reset to...

  • RE: Convert table into a crosstab table in SQL Server

    Dear Mr.Raj,

    The below solution is not the best solution available. But it certainly produces the desired results when the max source values for each item is 4.

    insert into destination_table(item, source1,...

  • RE: How to Set Automated Backups of SQL server database

    U can automate the backup using the maintenance plan wizard in which u can schedule at what interval a backup has to be taken. The backup files wont be overwritten or replaced....

  • RE: Req. query

    Will this work?

    SELECT     MTFOptionID,  MTFOption,

                              (SELECT     b. MTFOption

                                FROM          table1 b

                                WHERE      b.MTFOptionID = a.MTFOptionID +

                                                           ((SELECT     MAX(MTFOptionID)

                                                               FROM         table1) / 2)) AS fld4

    FROM         dbo.Table1 a

    WHERE     (MTFOptionID <=

                              (SELECT     MAX(MTFOptionID)


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)