Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: A problem with MDAC version 2.8

    I am getting the exact same behavior from an Access 97 workstation under XP to SWL 2000 SP3 under 2003 Server. The workstations are bombing out with the error 12-18...

  • RE: Accepting Web requests but not ODBC ACCESS 97 requests

    Issue resolved. An SP that management had be add an OR condition to was eating up all the server resources.



  • RE: Must declare the variable @myVar???????????????

    It should be

    select @myVar

    instead of

    select * from @myVar

    since @myVar is not a table variable.



  • RE: CASE statement

    What happens when you run the view? The two panes greying out and the message that it cannot display the view in the designer are normal.

    Try putting a CREATE VIEW...

  • RE: CASE statement

    While the Case Statement is supported in Views, it is not supported in the View Designer grid and will need to be typed into the SQL statement directly.



  • RE: Converting Access Query to TSQL

    I deal with this problem on a daily basis and the best way I have found to handle it is to convert the IIF statements into CASE.


    IIF(Condition,True Part, ELSE PART)




  • RE: How long would a backup take?

    We are running a 30+ Gig database, backups straight to a DAT tape drive takes 1 hr 30 minutes, to a local partition dedicated to backups, about 40 minutes. Both...

  • RE: Worst Security hole I have ever seen

    I am mainly a developer who started out in DBASE, RBASE, and Paradox many years ago but I have been working as a DBA for about the last 5 years,...

  • RE: Default Values and Named Parameters for Stored Procs

    I find default parameters very useful as I work in an environment where I often have an Access application sharing an SPROC with a web page where a parameter might...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)