Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 90 total)

  • RE: Arithmetic overflow in 9.00.3054

    As it turns out, the default query setting's configuration changed between versions of the tool I am using.... I now manually 'force' the settings to match those in...

  • RE: Arithmetic overflow in 9.00.3054

    Neither the db nor the query have ArithAbort on. I am running Developer Edition. On Express it works.

  • RE: DTS custom task migration

    To register a new custom task in DTS:

    Install the package on the server where it will be executing. If there is no 'installation', simply copy the DLL to a...

  • RE: doubts on procedures

    This is what I would do...

    Execute the stored procedure with known input parameters and verify the expected output value manually in Query Analyzer or similar.

    Unless I am missing something, "para.Direction"...

  • RE: Can this be done without cursors?

    The quick & dirty way to get the formatted code until the fix is in place is to paste the code into Word (or other editor) and replace the Manual...

  • RE: time format conversion

    Just so's ya know...

    The date chosen for the base date (@baseDate) is unimportant except that it must be in range. The important part is the time component of the...

  • RE: time format conversion

    Try this:


    @dateA datetime,

    @dateB datetime,

    @baseDate datetime

    set @dateA = '11/26/2007 13:27:53.205'

    set @dateB = '11/26/2007 13:27:53.209'

    set @baseDate = '07/04/1923 00:00:00.000'

    select convert(char(12), dateadd(ms, datediff(ms, @dateA,...

  • RE: Dynamic Queries (not Dynamic SQL)

    I haven't given up but it appears my gut instinct cannot be satisfied (yet)...

    I snagged the 'IS NOT NULL' from the URL mentioned above ( Two problems...

  • RE: date time question

    Here's a little more elaborate but also potentially more flexible solution. It is still a prototype but seems to deliver on most of the key questions that might arise...

  • RE: Dynamic Queries (not Dynamic SQL)

    There is another issue with the IS NOT NULL version too. NULLing all variables returns an empty set.

    Back to the drawing board...glad I didn't erased it!

  • RE: NUll values for input parameters

    I initially saw the spec the same way James (that's what I get for not READING the spec). The issue was that NULLs do exist in the ID columns...

  • RE: ORDER BY not working as it should

    I have run the OPs query against both SQL2000 and SQL2005 and received no errors. Sergiy is on to something though...

    I used the following query:



  • RE: NUll values for input parameters

    Use the OR version...

    You can leave ANSI NULLs ON and it will still work.

    Test it to be sure, dink with the AND/OR but the "column = @var AND @var IS...

  • RE: NUll values for input parameters

    Greetings Jonathan,

    The crux of the problem is comparing NULL using logical operators. NULL does not compare!

    I think something on the order of the following modification will remedy your issue:


  • RE: Other way to execute the xp_cmdshell command on remote databases from local?


    When you are connected to any SQL Server and execute a command, the command is executed on the server to which you are connected.

    With that in mind, if you are...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 90 total)