Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

  • RE: Asking for Interview Questions


    Like you said, "fewer jobs than candidates." All candidates need all the edge they can muster. I'm looking to relocate. Questions I have difficulty with are areas...

  • RE: A New Type of Colocation Facility

    Hey Steve

    I like your mobile idea as IT becomes more mobile. I see uses especially with the military and intel agencies along with global corps setting up shops quickly...

  • RE: I'm Not a Rock Star


    I could see you in a band. 🙂

  • RE: The DBA Database

    I've been doing that since I started working as a DBA for the exact reasons you gave Steve. I never wanted anything to be attached to any other DB...

  • RE: 9 Things to Do When You Inherit a Database

    Good article Sylvia! This would also be a good checklist for starting a new job. Very well thought out.

  • RE: SQL Server on RDS

    i think it would be a good location for general developer databases. less server maintenance. also good for putting databases on the web that you have no care...

  • RE: The Stubborn DBA

    because we not only like challenges, we don't like to be proven that we can't do something, even to ourselves

  • RE: We Need a DBA Boot Camp

    I have not attended but would like to attend a DBA Boot Camp.

    Your editorial makes lots of sense. A real course doesn't last a week to be...

  • RE: The Importance of My Cloud Data

    Hey Steve

    Interesting thought. Made me think about how we would handle availability within our control. Another thought popped as I finished reading your article.

    Can you replicate between different...

  • RE: Data Loss or Downtime

    I realized that most of the time, getting the site back up, having lookup and other types of ancillary data (like products, prices, etc), was the most important thing. Recovering...

  • RE: Are You a Ten?

    ChrisM@home (11/17/2010)

    sqlsystemadministrators (11/17/2010)

    The best DBA is the one who can goolge the fastest.

    Nah it's not it's the one hoo can spel.

    the best dba is the one that can effectively recover...

  • RE: Are You a Ten?

    anyone who says they are a 10 has reached the pinnacle in their career. they are done. time to move on to something else. no one knows...

  • RE: Live Monitoring


    That's exactly what I've been wanting to do that last several years since I saw an Oracle app for remote monitoring through the web. I'd love to pick up...

  • RE: Efficiency

    "Even "Big Blue" has learned the MBA maxim of lowering cost = increase value for shareholders. Too bad it doesn't mean better value for the customer. The old saying that...

  • RE: Efficiency

    improve on the basics you learned in college and throw everything else out the door 😉 IT is in a constant flux of change. read up on and...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)