Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

  • RE: Stored Procedure causing locking issues

    Here is the stored procedure that is causing the blocking. When I look at the process Id in Activity monitor the command is always DELETE. Does that mean that is...

  • RE: Locking issue

    I just realized I put this in the wrong section. I will repost this to the appropriate section. Sorry



  • RE: Getting table structure and data to outside consultant

    Then should I back up the db and send of the files.



  • RE: Deleted objects

    I should have clarified what I was wanting from the beginning. We have recently had some tables and stored procedures disappear and I was wondering if you can tell without...

  • RE: Deleted objects

    Thanks for reply. Can you give me a little guidance as to where to look and what to look for.


    Thanks in advance

  • RE: DBGhost

    We are using the SQL Data Compare and the SQL Compare to keep our development and our production databases synchronized.

    The SQL Data Compare looks at tables that you specify...

  • RE: DBGhost

    The evaluation period for DGGhost was not very long and we did not get a chance to evaluate the product thoroughly.  We did end up purchasing another package by Red...

  • RE: Application Name in trace file

    What I am trying to do is track down a "Select *" query that is being run. The software vendor says there is no way it is in there code....

  • RE: Calculated fields

    I will be calculating a couple of monetary sales goals based on a predefined percentage of previous years sales for each customer.

    Could you explain when it would be appropriate and...

  • RE: Limited length of VarChar in stored procedure

    I think I might have found a way to accomplish this using a table. Does anyone else have any feedback on wether they think this approach is a good or...

  • RE: Limited length of VarChar in stored procedure

    This is a very good point, and one I will have to probably take because it does not appear that it is possible(or proper technique) to do what I am trying...

  • RE: Limited length of VarChar in stored procedure

    Those are good ideas, and I appreciate the input. I should have also mentioned I was using Remote scripting and DHTML, which is also one of the reasons I think...

  • RE: Limited length of VarChar in stored procedure

    I think it is faster because I have reduced the round trips to the server by adding all the queries to the stored procedure. I should probably create the sp without...

  • RE: Limited length of VarChar in stored procedure

    I am using SQL Server 2000 and it will not let me assingn text datatype to local variables in a stored procedure.

    Your assumptions are correct about what I am trying...

  • RE: Is Replication the answer

    When using a script to restore the backup file to a Development server, how do you handle the problem of newly added tables or fields in the development environment.


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)