Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 149 total)

  • RE: Who Trains You?

    Work has sent me for training on some of our programs.  However, my programming skills were either learned through schooling or on my own.  I've found my ACM Professional Membership...

  • RE: The Fox Is Gone

    I remember reading about this last week.  I had never heard of FoxPro until I applied for a Y2K programmer position.  I had VB experience and writing interfaces for Access...

  • RE: Ambition

    In this day of TiVos and PVRs and BeyondTV, I'd let our computer record the SuperBowl or Law & Order or Bravo's Top Design or whatever show I really enjoy...

  • RE: Which One Do You Want?

    I like this guy:

    A robotic bartender would be nice, so that I could just go home, tell it what I want, and let it make drinks for me. ...

  • RE: Forum Date Format

    If you want to follow the ISO8601 standard, then it's:


    (Might want to flip your minutes and seconds around there, SQLBill )

  • RE: Technology: Where have all the women gone?

    That's awesome to hear about your friend!  I'm a female geek and proud of it   I'd love to go back for my...

  • RE: Easy Listening

    I'm from the generation of not buying CDs so much anymore, but I do own these things you call CDs

    The 5 I'd take...

  • RE: Why are Women exiting It?

    I have to disagree with being a woman and working in IT as extremely hard.  Maybe I've gotten lucky and haven't felt any pressure from my co-workers... maybe it's the...

  • RE: Object Oriented

    Back when I focused a lot more on programming, I dealt with OO languages and went to an OO conference (OOPSLA).  But I haven't had the experience of dealing with...

  • RE: Keeping contact with former co-workers

    From my internship days, I haven't talked to many people that I worked with. 

    From my after-college days, I've kept in touch with a few of the people who I...

  • RE: Home Sweet Home

    My husband and I grew up on Cleveland's west side (in a large suburb, 80k pop.).  We went to college in Toledo, and we moved back to the Cleveland area...

  • RE: Snack Attack

    I don't know if food preferences are included in dating service sites - but I have run across food preferences in some website surveys.  Definitely would help though - could...

  • RE: Snack Attack

    Morning: either brown sugar/cinnamon pop tarts or powdered sugar donuts

    Afternoons: honey wheat pretzels, black currant pastilles, or whatever I may find at home at lunch time to bring back with...

  • RE: Starting At Home

    We're behind a router at home, with some security in place there.  My husband hasn't been running anti-virus on his PC for a long time now and has been one...

  • RE: The Memory Game

    You did drop hints to your wife that you want a PDA for Christmas, right?   Like "Honey, I really want that new Dell Axim for Christmas" (or whichever PDA you're...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 149 total)