Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 149 total)

  • RE: Plasma or Diamond?

    Between a ring and a TV, I'd go with the ring for some of the same things echoed here.  Though I feel bad for those who buy into DeBeers' marketing...

  • RE: The Grand Canyon

    Although we are far from the Grand Canyon, my husband and I participate in a sport known as geocaching, which gets us outside, away from our computers.  We've found...

  • RE: Wearing Hats

    My formal title is Systems Support Analyst.  I deal with a big umbrella though - from helpdesk support (printers malfunctioning, new scanner install, software not working properly) to DBA (ERP...

  • RE: Best and Worst Employees of the month

    Wow... what a way to effect employees' morale

    So "most productive" refers to "most productive in the brown nosing department"? 

  • RE: How many hours do you work

    To answer the original question, I'm salaried and am supposed to put in 40 hours a week.  I end up going over that, though, between regular work hours and then...

  • RE: Motivation

    Thank you for saying this.  I turn 26 tomorrow, and as I get closer to 30 than I am 20, I wonder about my future and my career.  Sure, I'd...

  • RE: The Top 10

    Steve left out the MS Grammar Check on the flop list

  • RE: Biz#

    Don't forget about "Biz octothorp"!  

  • RE: A Tool I Need

    I don't know if it's necessarily a generational gap thing.  The more I do my job, the more I want just a "phone phone" and not a "swiss army phone".  And...

  • RE: Who do you hire?

    Hire the person who will fit best for what you're looking to fill. 

    As for not knowing if a personality will fit in or not, there are questions and discussions...

  • RE: Away From SQL

    When I'm not working, I'm probably gaming in World of Warcraft.  My husband and I have been computer gamers for over a decade now and are hooked by WoW. 


  • RE: Obtaining the database name?

    This last one wouldn't have helped me out, as I wouldn't know which databasename to send - I was trying to figure out which database I was in.

    As it is, if...

  • RE: Obtaining the database name?

    That did it!  Thank you very much!

  • RE: One Red Paper Clip

    Wimpy said that on Popeye!!

    I'd give you scandalous pictures of chinchillas hacking a network.

  • RE: Humble Beginnings

    I tinkered around when I was younger, learning how to program in 8th grade (1994) in Applesoft Basic on Apple II E computers.  Shortly after I graduated from grade school,...

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 149 total)