Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 58 total)

  • RE: Table setup / indexing question.

    Excellent. I will once again damage my relationship with the supplier.

  • RE: connect to a server

    As I`m a betting man I`ll guess that people have been logging off RDP incorrectly - it always happens.

    Console is you friend here as already mentioned. Add a /console to...

  • RE: MS Access database

    We are going to biased on here by the very nature of the board ! But with the datasize you are looking at it shouldn`t be that hard to convince...

  • RE: MS Access database

    Data size is going to render the access database unusable very quickly. How long do you need to store data in the database ? If more than a couple of...

  • RE: Viewing Execution Plan

    In management studio use the Query menu option and it has options to show estimtated or actual execution plan. Shortcuts are Ctrl L and Ctrl M.

  • RE: backup

    You can take a backup of a database whilst it is online. I would ensure no users are in the system though.

  • RE: fragmentation

    As the database grows data stops being grouped on the same pages/extents meaning that as you query tables SQL is having to search through a larger amount of pages etc...

  • RE: sql server account

    Tara (8/27/2009)

    I am trying to change sql server service account from local to a domain account but want to do without any downtime, is it possible?

    can i just change the...

  • RE: Any problem with main page this site.?

    I have noticed that sometimes the site seems to stick loading various pages. Little kick to IE tends to work !

  • RE: What is the best front-end software to use

    Elliot has picked the obvious ones for you.

  • RE: SQL Error Logs


  • RE: Reindexing and the benefits of fill factors.

    Sadly its a database from a third party so I am limited in terms of what I can break ! The Clustered index is accross 5 fields, 3 chars, a...

  • RE: Reindexing and the benefits of fill factors.

    Which works fine for me as the vast majority of issues on the table are inserts. So should be cooking on gas.

  • RE: User password logging.

    Sorry, my mistake.

    I need to see who is logging in with certain passwords.

    So hostname, loginame, program name is all useful stuff. But can`t get it to log itself !

  • RE: Active / passive & DR.

    Thanks for that.

    I agree entirely - 3rd party products just up the price everytime. Each edition of SQL gives us more to use. If we can use standard functionality they...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 58 total)