Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)

  • RE: MDAC version

    You could try the following in an asp page:

    set adoConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    response.write adoConn.version


  • RE: Auto generated SQL

    It is definitely a useful procedure to have, especially when there are cases when you would like to be left alone and get on with the real work instead of...

  • RE: Replacing double quote with single quote

    Must close the newline terminator ...

    SET @Query_tmp =

    'BULK INSERT dbo.dbAnntest FROM '+@TmpLocation+' WITH (FIELDTERMINATOR = ''\t'', ROWTERMINATOR = ''\n'')'


    What version of Sql Server? 7.0 did not come with these options...

  • RE: Making a Dedicated SQL 2000 server

    Try using DTS ...

  • RE: Restricting Login

    I don't know your reasons for restricting certain apps from connecting to the SQL Server.

    Much better would be to create the login and make this login a user...

  • RE: Inconsistent performance using sprocs

    First off, if the sprocs are using cursors and don't do any updates (i.e. update using the cursor), ensure that the cursors are declared as read-only.

    From the symptoms described, it...

  • RE: Optimal Pivot Query

    This calls for some lateral thinking ...

    First off, we require a list of database names in the backup_set;

    then we require the last date when differential backups took place;

    then we require...

  • RE: Relationship between full and transaction log backups

    The right way to perform backups is to backup the database followed immediately by a backup of the transaction log. This way, you maintain the logs at a reasonable size...

  • RE: Sort Order



    from QA. HTH.

  • RE: Need Help with this massive report

    Have you updated the stats?

    Check the Auto Update Stats option under Options - if it isn't set, then execute sp_updatestats in the database, from QA. Might take a long...

  • RE: spid 72 says its being blocked by spid -2 in EM

    Have you tried restarting the SQL Server? It appears you might be having "zombie" troubles ... (a process that is really dead, but locks still being held by the SQL...

  • RE: Database Recovery

    I expect you have detached the database.

    From a theoretical point of view, it appears that SQL server is trying to create a new log file on top of the...

  • RE: Logon error in Query Analyzer

    Have passwords / accounts expired?

  • RE: Column width

    Try using LEFT as in:

    USE pubs


    SELECT 'title'=LEFT(title, 5)

    FROM titles

    ORDER BY title_id


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)