Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 43 total)

  • RE: Internal Error Occurred Please help me

    I have not encountered this error. 

    However, my guess is that since you changed the domain, reporting server can no longer connect to the SQL Server Report database.  You will...

  • RE: formatting

    I am telling you this off the top of my head, so syntax could be off since I am not at the office.

    Edit the property and select "expression" for the...

  • RE: Does SQL = MySQL

    I ported an application from mySQL to SQL Server.  The biggest problem I ran into was that mySQL is very type-loose meaning it can deal with coercion of type data...

  • RE: Exporting file to text from RS

    Unfortunately, I think to get a fixed length text output from report server, you will have to write your own export extension.


  • RE: what is a transaction?

    In layman terms, imagine that you want to modify or update data in several steps.  However, should any one of those steps fail, you would like to revert your changes. ...

  • RE: Third Party Code developer tool required..

    I think MS has a free web based db manager.  I'm not sure how good it is and whether it will meet your needs.  If interested in this, go to...

  • RE: Which SQL DB Interfacing to use

    Take a look at using a merge or transaction replication, as well.  It may be a good alternative to DTS.

    What may be troublesome are your external systems and having them...

  • RE: SQL to trigger an ASP file

    Triggers do not monitor data.  They only run on table for an insert, update, or delete transaction.

    Can you explain what the table holds?

    Is it a table that holds a single row of...

  • RE: Please help me delete a row in a table

    Or, you can add a cascading delete option for the primary table Customer and Departments, but only do this if you want this type of action.  Otherwise, the DRI helps...

  • RE: Start the Snapshot agent by using SQL query command


    It's been a while since I have done work with replication.  However, I recall that the snapshot agent is simply a job.  So, you should be add to run the...

  • RE: Weird error: MSDE Database stops responding

    Check to see if you have any backup or maintenance jobs.

    I had a problem once where sometimes an update job would die at 1:30am and never finish.  Other times, it did. ...

  • RE: Weird error: MSDE Database stops responding

    Does this error occur during an update or a select?

    It looks like you are using ADO.  The one thing I hated about ADO (I use .Net now) is that errors...

  • RE: Identity field as a key

    Okay, but that does not address the issue at hand that we are arguing which is "why is it wrong to use an IDENTITY column as a primary key?"  There is no...

  • RE: Identity field as a key

    >> Yes it is; creationism versus scicnce

    Once again, opionated crap.  Useless feedback.

    >> Things are worse if you trry to ue an IDENTITY over...

  • RE: Identity field as a key


    It's not that I don't value Joe's points.  The delivery of his points is packaged with a lot of vanity.  If you tear away the wrapping, yes, there are good...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 43 total)