Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Linked servers issues

    Thanks a lot, bkelley!

    But I have SP3 installed. I ran few tests and found out:

    1)If 'rpc out' option is enabled the following statement is successfully executed:

    'exec ClientServer.DB.dbo.usp_LoadData @Param' with any...

  • RE: Raw partition

    Today I've run two tests under WinXP: created two unformatted partitions and created log file firstly on formatted partition and after that on unformatted one.Both tests have succeeded. So now...

  • RE: Raw partition

    to Andy Warren:

    So you mean that I must specify drive letter for both data and log files ?

    Ok. I'll try but MSSQL has errored when accessing raw partition ...

    From me:


  • RE: SQL Function

    We've come across this problem some time ago and the solution offered was developing two tables. Let's call it Table1 and Table2.

    Table1 contains all objects (with their properties) including two...

  • RE: Error Handling in T-SQL

    If use ADO components to communicate with SQL Server(i think you do) then you have a lot of methods to trap(or handle) errors that MSSQL raises. After you have catched...

  • RE: Tmp Tables

    There's an easier statement:

    if not OBJECT_ID('#TableName') is Null

    and so on.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)