Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: backup and copy

    Thank you, that's what I was looking for (felt like i was talking to someone in sales). I wasn't sure if i could use basic DOS commands in that window...

  • RE: backup and copy

    That's going to be my plan; to backup up locally and then copy it off.

    I don't know what the actual command line should look like.

    I open the...

  • RE: Transaction Log curosity

    Thanks for all the info and help, i really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions.

    I think we'll just proceed with SP4 upgrade and use the script site...

  • RE: Transaction Log curosity

    I doubt there would be much benefit right now as the two of us that are going to be using this don't really do much other than making sure it...

  • RE: Transaction Log curosity

    While I have your attention:

    What about upgrading directly to SQL 2008?

  • RE: Transaction Log curosity

    I'll look over the site you gave me. I was handed our SQL server after our DBA was let go for job cuts and I had the most...

  • RE: Transaction Log curosity

    My inexperience is going to show so please bear with me:

    The SQL server is 9.0.3042. I don't know what version the tools is or where it's located.

    Does the...

  • RE: ResultSet?

    Per the above:

    I forgot to mention that in the snippet of TSQL code i copied, only the PandoraVIA database is failing. The other two (pandora_2008 and pandora_2009) are both...

  • RE: ResultSet?

    My apologies for any confusion, I don't have a whole lot of experience with SQL yet managing our SQL servers was dropped in my lap because we lost our DBA...

  • RE: error that happens for every backup of Transaction Log

    That did it thanks!!

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)