Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)

  • RE: Creating database tables from models

    The database forms the foundation of most applications. For this reason, your primary goals in creating a good database model or design must be to achieve data integrity, scalability, and...

  • RE: Which situation we go for CLR?

    Consider CLR when a procedure requires significant data access and computation. You would then separate the procedural code into a CLR portion calling the T-SQL procedure that performs data access,...

  • RE: ASP.NET Web Application - Accessing A Stored Procedure

    Are you binding your grid to the data source each time you call you sp? For example:

    mysource=GetClientDetails(I'm calling my sp_GetClientDetails here...)



  • RE: ASP.NET Web Application - Accessing A Stored Procedure

    If your data grid is bound to your dataset and you use the form's Load event to populate it then all you need to do is make the grid editable...

  • RE: Transferring data between 2 tables

    An easier approach would be to allow null values into your table and then check the data once they all imported successfully.

  • RE: User name not accessible to asp pages

    Make sure that ASPNET or the Windows account that IIS is using has been granted permission to access your database.

  • RE: insert into table taking forever....

    Run DBCC SHOWCONTIG WITH ALL_INDEXES. I bet that table is heavily fragmented.



  • RE: Raise error

    You can create your own error message with RAISEERROR provided the message number is greater than 50,000 and severity levels from 0 through 18 as in: 
    USE master
    EXEC sp_addmessage 50001,...
  • RE: Alert for New Database

    I also needed something similar. All I did is to schedule a job that runs periodically that will get a count(*) of sysdatabases and compare it against the current count. An email...

  • RE: Creating Views, Hiding Tables

    Have you thought about creating a Windows group? Give this group access to selected objects like views or tables then add the users to this group.

  • RE: Select Records then run report

    It is possible if your datasets call SPs that accept user selections as parameters.


  • RE: How to send email

    One way of doing it is to create a stored procedure similar to what I did below that monitors the table. I will then create a job that calls the...

  • RE: Append problem

    It might be easier to delete the existing tables and re-import unless each row is uniquely identified. If the latter is the case, then I would import the tables into another...

  • RE: Looking for how to get a database to E-Mail me based on data in SS2005

    One way of doing it is by writing a stored procedure similar to what I did below. I will then create a job that calls the stored procedure...

  • RE: How can I get the result of store procedure in visual basic?

    Here's how I would do it in VB6:

    Dim strParam1 As String, intParam2 As Integer

    strParam1 = ""

    intParam2 = 7

    Dim prm As ADODB.Parameter

    Dim pCmd As ADODB.Command

    Set pCmd = New ADODB.Command

    With pCmd

    .ActiveConnection =...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)