Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1,171 through 1,185 (of 1,193 total)


    That's where I started - both servers are set up the same


  • RE: GUID conversion

    That's just what I was after - many thanks

  • RE: GUID conversion

    Thanks for the idea - I'll give it a go

  • RE: Licensing Question

    Just answered my own question



  • RE: Installing OSQL

    Many thanks for your help.




  • RE: A Moment of Silence

    We should all consider our selves thankful.

    If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this...

  • RE: Drill Through Disabled

    Many thanks - checked the advanced tab and that was were the problem was



  • RE: Memory leak with DTS

    Sorry for the delay in giving you this info.

    The problem was caused by a Sybase ODBC driver which was used when the package was called. A search on microsoft found...

  • RE: Jobs not running

    Thanks for all you help - I'm now sorted it was a mail client problem on the server. Sadly we use groupwise




  • RE: Jobs not running

    Thanks - although not the answer it has put me onto the fact that email services had been started, they did not complete. Only checking logs on two servers highlighted...

  • RE: Jobs not running

    No - the only way to re-start it is to re-boot, which still leaves me with the initial problem

  • RE: Jobs not running

    It shows as being started there and in services manager. None of the Sql logs show that the service has failed to start or that any have stopped. Windows Event...

  • RE: Source Safe and DTS

    And as a post script - how about OLAP cubes and version controlling?


  • RE: 8152 error code

    Do you have set ansi warnings on ? If so, and you are 100% positive the data lenghts match i.e. char (20) into a char(20) field then set , then set...

  • RE: Changing database context with dynamic SQL

    Thanks for your help - I've now sorted it.

Viewing 15 posts - 1,171 through 1,185 (of 1,193 total)